Thursday, July 10, 2008

It Hasn't Been That Long

Well, yeah it has. Anyways, everybody probably forgot all about this tag thing already.

So here we go, countdown style.

Number Six: I'd rather drink warm water that anything else.

Number Five: I'm seventeen. Not a big deal, really. Everybody just thinks I'm older.

Number Four: I think recumbents are sweet. Not the big, long, cushy touring 'bents with fat, old guys on top. No. I'm takling about 50 MPH, full carbon racing machines. Trikes are even better since you can go to sleep and not fall over.

Number Three: I know how to have a good time. The secret is that a good party is spontaneous. Just take a strobe light, some music, and a dark room and you have yourself a party.

Number Two: My threshold wattage is... Yeah right, like I'm actually going to tell you. I did do my quarterly power test yesterday, though.

Number One: I was the youngest person ever to have an Ohio fishing license. At least as far as I know. There was a newspaper article about it, framed at my grandpa's house.

I'm probably going to hold off on tagging more people until BSNYC comes back from vacation. I think I have a chance if I get a podium spot on the comments.


1 comment:

JimmyNick said...

You won't get the BSNYC podium unless you earn it, and you earn it by training. Hour upon hour of thankless, unheralded comment intervals, all alone ...